New collaboration on bronze-winged coursers

Nov 30, 2021

Collins Moya and Jess Lund with a bronze-winged courser

Claire Spottiswoode and Jess Lund from the African Cuckoos team are collaborating on a new project tracking the movements of bronze-winged coursers. Together with Bart Kempenaers, Eunbi Kwon, and Mihai Valcu (Max Planck Institute for Ornithology), as well as fire ecologist Sally Archibald (University of Witwatersrand), the team is investigating little-known aspects of the coursers’ natural history. These birds tend to nest in recently-burnt areas, with incredibly camouflaged eggs and chicks which look like burnt tufts of grass! However, their secretive nature means that the way they move between burnt areas remains a mystery. Studying these birds may also help to understand historic fire regimes across sub-Saharan Africa.  
