

  • McClelland, S. C., Lund, J., Dixit, T., Hamama, S., McClean, L. A., Spottiswoode, C. N., White, C. R., Louder, M. I. M., Hauber, M. E., Honza, M., & Portugal, S. J. (2024). Highly virulent avian brood-parasitic species show elevated embryonic metabolic rates at specific incubation stages compared to less virulent and non-parasitic species. Biology Letters, 20(9), 20240411.

  • Dixit, T., Lund, J., Fulford, A.J.C., Apostol, A.L., Chen, K.-C., Tong, W., Feeney, W.E., Hamusikili, L., Colebrook-Robjent, J.F.R., Town, C.P., Spottiswoode, C.N. 2023. Chase-away evolution maintains imperfect mimicry in a brood parasite–host system despite rapid evolution of mimics. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
  • Dixit, T., Chen, K.C., Stoddard, M.C., Mahadevan, L., Town, C.P., Spottiswoode, C.N., 2023. Repeatable randomness, invariant properties, and the design of biological signatures of identity. Evolution 77(10), 2224-2233.
  • Lund, J., Dixit, T., Attwood, M.C., Hamama, S., Moya, C., Stevens, M., Jamie, G.A., Spottiswoode, C.N., 2023. When perfection isn’t enough: host egg signatures are an effective defence against high-fidelity African cuckoo mimicry. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290: 20231125.
  • McClelland, S.C., Attard, M.R.G., Bowen, J, Horrocks, N.P.C., Jamie, G.A., Dixit, T., Spottiswoode, C.N., Portugal, S.J., 2023. Eggshell composition and surface properties of avian brood-parasitic species compared with non-parasitic species. R. Soc. Open Sci. 10: 221023.
  • Dixit, T., Choi, G.P.T., al-Mosleh, S., Lund, J., Troscianko, J., Moya, C., Mahadevan, L. and Spottiswoode, C.N., 2023. Combined measures of mimetic fidelity explain imperfect mimicry in a brood parasite–host system. Biology Letters19(2), 20220538.
  • Attwood, M. C., Lund, J., Nwaogu, C. J., Moya, C., & Spottiswoode, C. N. (2023). Aggressive hosts are undeterred by a cuckoo’s hawk mimicry, but probably make good foster parents. Proceedings of the Royal Society B290(1990), 20221506.
  • Dixit, T., Apostol, A., Chen, K. C., Fulford, A., Town, C. P., & Spottiswoode, C. N. (2022) Visual complexity of egg patterns predicts egg rejection according to Weber’s Law. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289. 20220710. 
  • Cram, D.L., van der Wal, J.E.M., Uomini, N.T., Cantor, M., Afan, A.I., Attwood, M.C., Amphaeris, J., Balasani, F., Blair, C.J., Bronstein, J.L., Buanachique, I.O., Cuthill, R.R.T., Das, J., Daura-Jorge, F.G., Deb, A., Dixit, T., Dlamini, G.S., Dounias, E., Gedi, I.I., Gruber, M., Hoffman, L.S., Holzlehner, T., Isack, H.A., Laltaika, A.E., Lloyd-Jones, D.J., Lund, J., Machado, A.M.S., Mahadevan, L., Moreno, I.B., Nwaogu, C.J., Pereira, V.L., Pierotti, R., Rucunua, S.A., dos Santos, W.F., Serpa, N., Smith, B.D., Sridhar, H., Tolkova, I., Tun, T., Valle-Pereira, J.V.S., Wood, B.M., Wrangham, R.W. & Spottiswoode, C.N. (2022) The ecology and evolution of human-wildlife cooperationPeople and Nature DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10369
  • van der Wal, J.E.M., Spottiswoode, C.N., Uomini, N.T., Cantor, M., Daura-Jorge, F.G., Afan, A.I., Attwood, M.C., Amphaeris, J., Balasani, F., Begg, C.M., Blair, C.J., Bronstein, J.L., Buanachique, I.O., Cuthill, R.R.T., Das, J., Deb, A., Dixit, T., Dlamini, G.S., Dounias, E., Gedi, I.I., Gruber, M., Hoffman, L.S., Holzlehner, T., Isack, H.A., Laltaika, A.E., Lloyd-Jones, D.J., Lund, J., Machado, A.M.S., Mahadevan, L., Moreno, I.B., Nwaogu, C.J., Pereira, V.L., Pierotti, R., Rucunua, S.A., dos Santos, W.F., Serpa, N., Smith, B.D., Tolkova, I., Tun, T., Valle-Pereira, J.V.S., Wood, B.M., Wrangham, R.W. & Cram, D.L. 2022 Safeguarding human-wildlife cooperationConservation Letters e12886
  • van der Wal, J.E.M., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Sugasawa, S. 2022 Correspondence: Opportunities and risks of publishing academic talks online. Nature Ecology & Evolution DOI: 10.1038/s41559-022-01755-6
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Tong, W., Jamie, G.A., Stryjewski, K.F., DaCosta, J., Kuras, E., Green, A., Hamama, S., Taylor, I.G., Moya, C. & Sorenson, M.D. (2022) Genetic architecture facilitates then constrains adaptation in a host-parasite coevolutionary arms raceProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119: e2121752119.
  • McClelland, S.C., Reynolds, M., Cordall, M., Hauber, M.E., Goymann, W., McClean, L.A., Hamama, S., Lund, J., Dixit, T., Louder, M.I.M., Safari, I., Honza, M., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Portugal, S.J. (2021) Embryo movement is more frequent in avian brood parasites than birds with parental reproductive strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 288: 20211137.
  • Dixit, T., Caves, E.M., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Horrocks, N.P.C. (2021) Why and how to apply Weber’s Law to coevolution and mimicry. Evolution 75: 1906-1919.
  • Caves, E.M., Dixit, T., Colebrook-Robjent, J.F.R., Hamusikili, L., Stevens, M., Thorogood, R. & Spottiswoode, C.N. (2021) Hosts elevate either within-clutch consistency or between-clutch distinctiveness of egg phenotypes in defence against brood parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 288: 20210326.
  • Coetzee, A., Seymour, C.L. & Spottiswoode, C.N. (2021) Facilitation and competition shape a geographical mosaic of flower colour polymorphisms. Functional Ecology doi:0.1111/1365-2435.13851.
  • du Plessis, M., Seymour, C.L., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Coetzee, A. (2021) Artificial nectar feeders reduce sunbird abundance and plant visitation in Cape Fynbos adjacent to suburban areas. Global Ecology and Conservation 28: e01706.
  • Bourne, A.R., Ridley, A.R., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Cunningham, S.J. (2021) Direct and indirect effects of high temperatures on fledging in a cooperatively breeding bird. Behavioral Ecology 32: 1212–1223.
  • Bourne, A.R., Ridley, A.R., McKechnie, A.E., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Cunningham, S.J. (2021) Dehydration risk is associated with reduced nest attendance and hatching success in a cooperatively breeding bird, the southern pied babbler Turdoides bicolor. Conservation Physiology 9: coab043 Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Jamie, G.A., Hamama, S., Moya, C., Kilner, R.M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. (2021) The limits of host colonisation and speciation in a radiation of parasitic finches. Behavioral Ecology 32: 529-538.

  • Jamie, G.A., Van Belleghem, S., Hogan, B., Hamama, S., Moya, C., Troscianko, J., Stoddard, M.C., Kilner, R.M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. (2020) Multimodal mimicry of hosts in a radiation of parasitic finches. Evolution 74: 2526-2538 Read a Digest piece on this research by Bosque et al.

  • Coetzee, A., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Seymour, C.L. 2020 Post-pollination barriers enable coexistence of pollinator-sharing ornithophilous Erica species. Journal of Plant Research 133: 873-881. [Read full text]

  • Bourne, A.R., Cunningham, S.J., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Ridley, A.R. 2020 Hot droughts compromise interannual survival across all group sizes in a cooperatively breeding bird. Ecology Letters doi: 10.1111/ele.13604 Read on journal website

  • Bourne, A.R., Cunningham, S.J., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Ridley, A.R. 2020 High temperatures drive offspring mortality in a cooperatively breeding bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.1140 Read on journal website
  • Bourne, A.R., Cunningham, S.J., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Ridley, A.R. 2020 Compensatory breeding in years following drought in a desert-dwelling cooperative breeder. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 190. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Sorensen, M.C., Dixit, T., Newton, J., Kardynal, K., Hobson, K., Bensch, S., Jenni-Eiereman, S. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019 Migration distance does not predict blood parasitism in a Palearctic-African migratory bird. Ecology and Evolution 9: 8294-8304. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Jansen, D., Pradel, R., Mares, R., Doutrelant, C., Spottiswoode, C.N., Covas, R. & Altwegg, R. 2019 An integrated population model sheds light on the complex population dynamics of a unique colonial breeder. Population Ecology 61: 406-420.
  • Gush, W.G., Maphisa, D.H., Reynolds, C., Donald, P.F. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019 Declines of the globally threatened Rudd’s Lark Heteromirafra ruddi in one of its last remaining strongholds. Bird Conservation International DOI: 10.1017/S095927091900011X Read on journal website
  • Thorogood, R., Spottiswoode, C.N., Portugal, S.J. & Gloag, R. 2019 The coevolutionary biology of brood parasitism: a call for integration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180190. 71. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • McClelland, S.C., Jamie, G.A., Waters, K., Caldas, L., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Portugal, S.J. 2019 Convergent evolution of reduced eggshell conductance in avian brood parasites. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180194. 70. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N.* & Busch, R.* 2019 Vive la difference! Self/non-self recognition and the evolution of signature polymorphism in arms races with parasites. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180206. (* equal contributions) Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Stoddard, M.C., Hogan, B., Stevens, M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019 Higher-level pattern features provide additional information to birds when recognizing and rejecting parasitic eggs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180197. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Krochuk, B.A., Bolopo, D., Lowney, A.M., Meyers, P.R., Spottiswoode, C.N., Raman, R.M.G. & Thomson, R.L. 2018 Why defaecate on your doorstep? Investigating an unusual behaviour in Africa’s smallest falcon. Ostrich 89: 307-314.
  • Mares, R., Doutrelant. C., Paquet, M., Spottiswoode C.N. & Covas, R. 2017 Breeding decisions and output are correlated with both temperature and rainfall in an arid-region passerine, the sociable weaver. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170835. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Stevens, M., Troscianko, J., Wilson-Aggarwal, J.K. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2017 Improvement of individual camouflage through background choice in ground-nesting birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1325-1333. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2017 Perspectives: The most perfect thing, explained. Science 356: 1234-1235. Download free PDF from journal website
  • Caves, E.M., Stevens, M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2017 Does coevolution with a shared parasite drive hosts to partition their defences among species? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284: 20170272 Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Troscianko, J. Wilson-Aggarwal, J., Griffiths, D., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Stevens, M. 2017 Relative advantages of dichromatic and trichromatic color vision in camouflage breaking. Behavioral Ecology 28: 556-564. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Troscianko, J., Wilson-Aggarwal, J., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Stevens, M. 2016 Nest covering in plovers: how modifying the visual environment influences egg camouflage. Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.2494 Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Sorensen, M.C., Fairhurst, G.D., Jenni-Eiermann, D., Newton, J., Yohannes, E. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 Seasonal rainfall at long-term migratory staging sites is associated with altered carry-over effects in a Palearctic-African migratory bird. BMC Ecology 16: 41. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Begg, K.S. & Begg, C.M. 2016 Reciprocal signaling in honeyguide-human mutualism. Science 353: 387-389. Download free PDF from journal website
  • Péron, G., Altwegg, R., Jamie, G.A. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 Coupled range dynamics of brood parasites and their hosts responding to climate and vegetation changes. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 1191–1199. Read on journal website
  • Wilson-Aggarwal, J., Troscianko, J., Stevens, M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 Escape distance in ground-nesting birds differs with level of individual camouflage. American Naturalist 188: 231–239. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Troscianko, J., Wilson-Aggarwal, J., Stevens, M. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 Camouflage directly predicts the survival probability of ground-nesting birds. Scientific Reports 6: 19966. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Sorensen, M.C., Jenni-Eiermann, S. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 Why do migratory birds sing on their tropical wintering grounds? American Naturalist 187: E65-E76. Read on journal website
  • Sorensen, M.C., Asghar, M., Bensch, S., Fairhurst, G.D., Jenni-Eiermann, S. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2016 A rare study from the wintering grounds provides insight into the costs of malaria infection for migratory birds. Journal of Avian Biology 57: 575–582. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Fishpool, L.D.C. & Bayliss, J.L. 2016 Birds and biogeography of Mt Mecula, in Mozambique’s Niassa National Reserve. OstrichOstrich 87: 281–284 Download PDF
  • Acker, P., Grégoire, A., Rat, M., Spottiswoode, C.N., van Dijk, R.E., Paquet, M., Kaden, J.C., Pradel, R., Hatchwell, B.J., Covas, C. & Doutrelant, C. 2015 Disruptive viability selection on a black plumage trait associated with dominance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 2027–2041. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • van Dijk, R.E., Covas, R., Doutrelant, C., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Hatchwell, B.J. 2015 Fine‐scale genetic structure reflects sex‐specific dispersal strategies in a population of sociable weavers (Philetairus socius). Molecular Ecology24: 4296–4311Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Caves, E.M., Stevens, M., Iversen, E. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2015 Hosts of brood parasites have evolved egg signatures with elevated information content. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282: 20150598. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Feeney, W.E., Troscianko, J., Langmore, N.E. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2015 Evidence for aggressive mimicry in an adult brood parasitic bird, and generalised defences in its host. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282: 2015079. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Paquet, M., Doutrelant, C., Hatchwell, B.J., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Covas, R. 2015 Antagonistic effect of helpers on breeding male and female survival in a cooperatively breeding bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1354–1362. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Mills, M.S.L., Cohen, C., Francis, J.E. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2015 A survey for the Critically Endangered Liben Lark Heteromirafra archeri in Somaliland, north-western Somalia. Ostrich 86: 291–294.
  • Tong, W., Horrocks, N.P.C. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2015 The sight of an adult brood parasite near the nest is an insufficient cue for a honeyguide host to reject foreign eggs. Ibis 157: 626-630. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Bayliss, J., Timberlake, J., Alves, T., Branch, B., Bruessow, C., Collins, S., Congdon, C., de Sousa, C., Dowsett, R., Dowsett-Lemaire, F., Fishpool, L., Harris, T., Giogiardis, S., Liggitt, B., Monadjem, A., Patel, H., Ribeiro, D., Spottiswoode, C.N., Taylor, P., Wilcocks, S., Ribeiro, D., and Smith, P. 2014 The discovery, biodiversity, and conservation of Mabu forest – the largest mid-altitude rainforest in southern Africa. Oryx 48: 177-185.Download PDF
  • Altwegg, R., Doutrelant, C., Anderson, M.D., Spottiswoode, C.N. & Covas, R. 2014 Climate, social factors and research disturbance influence population dynamics in declining sociable weaver metapopulation. Oecologia174: 413–425. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2013 Perspectives: How cooperation defeats cheats. Science 342: 1452-1453. Read on journal website
  • Stevens, M., Troscianko, J. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2013 Repeated targeting of the same hosts by a brood parasite compromises host egg rejection. Nature Communications 4: 2475. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2013 A brood parasite selects for its own egg traits. Biology Letters 9: 20130573. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Olsson, U., Mills, M.S.L., Cohen, C., Francis, J.E., Dagne, A., Toye, N., Hoddinott, D., Wood, C., Donald, P.F., Collar, N.J. & Alström, P. 2013 Rediscovery of a long-lost lark reveals the conspecificity of endangered Heteromirafra populations in the Horn of Africa. Journal of Ornithology 154: 813-825. Download PDF
  • Corfield, J.R., Birkhead, T.R., Spottiswoode, C.N., Iwaniuk, A.N., Boogert, N.J., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Overington, S.E., Wylie, D.R. & Lefebvre, L. 2013 Brain size and morphology of the brood-parasitic and cerophagous honeyguides (Aves: Piciformes). Brain, Behaviour and Evolution 81: 170-186. Download PDF
  • van Dijk, R.E., Eising, C.M., Merrill, R.M., Karadas, F., Hatchwell B.J.& Spottiswoode, C.N. 2012 Maternal effects in the highly communal sociable weaver may exacerbate brood reduction and prepare offspring for a competitive social environment. Oecologia 171: 379-389. Download PDF
  • Donald, P.F., Gedeon, K., Collar, N.J., Spottiswoode, C.N., Wondafrash, M. & Buchanan, G.M. 2012 The restricted range of the Ethiopian Bush-crow Zavattariornis stresemanni is a consequence of high reliance on modified habitats within narrow climatic limits. Journal of Ornithology 153: 1031-1044. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Stevens, M. 2012 Host-parasite arms races and rapid changes in bird egg appearance. American Naturalist 179: 633-648. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Stryjewski, K.F., Quader, S., Colebrook-Robjent, J.F.R. & Sorenson, M.D. 2011 Ancient host-specificity within a single species of brood parasitic bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108, 17738-17742. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Koorevaar, J. 2012 A stab in the dark: chick killing by brood parasitic honeyguides. Biology Letters 8: 241-244. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Stevens, M. 2011 How to evade a coevolving brood parasite: egg discrimination versus egg variability as host defences. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 278: 3566-3573. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Birkhead, T.R., Hemmings, N., Spottiswoode, C.N., Mikulica, O, Moskát, C., Bán, M. & Schulze-Hagen, K. 2011 Internal incubation and early hatching in brood parasitic birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278:1019-1024. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Covas, R., Deville, A.-S., Doutrelant, C, Spottiswoode, C.N. & Grégoire, A. 2011 The effect of helpers on post-fledging survival in a cooperatively breeding bird, the sociable weaver. Animal Behaviour 81:121-126. Download PDF
  • Tobias, J.A., Seddon, N., Spottiswoode, C.N., Pilgrim, J.D., Fishpool, L.D.C. & Collar, N.J. 2010 Quantitative criteria for species delimitation. Ibis152: 724-746. Read on journal website [Open Access]
    (See also commentaries in Ibis and Nature)
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Stevens, M. 2010 Visual modeling shows that avian host parents use multiple visual cues in rejecting parasitic eggs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107: 8672-8676. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2010 The evolution of host-specific variation in cuckoo eggshell strength. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1792-1799. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Donald, P.D., Buchanan, G.M, Collar, N.J., Dellelegn Abebe, Y., Gabremichael, M.N., Mwangi, M.A.K., Ndang’ang’a, P.K., Spottiswoode C.N. & Wondafrash, M. 2010 Rapid declines in habitat quality and population size in the Sidamo (Liben) Lark Heteromirafra sidamoensisnecessitate immediate conservation action. Bird Conservation International20: 1-12. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Biard, C., Gil, D., Karadas, F., Saino, N., Spottiswoode, C.N., Surai, P.F. & Møller, A.P. 2009 Maternal effects mediated by antioxidants and the evolution of carotenoid-based signals in birds. American Naturalist 174: 696-708. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Wondafrash, M, Gabremichael, M.N., Dellelegn, Y., Mwangi, M.K., Collar, N.J., Dolman, P.M. 2009 Rangeland degradation is poised to cause Africa’s first recorded avian extinction. Animal Conservation12: 249-257. Download PDF
    (See also news articles: BBC news website, New Scientist)
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2009 Fine-scale life-history variation in Sociable Weavers in relation to colony size. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 504-512.Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Collar, N.J., Dingle, C. Gabremichael, M.N. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2009 Taxonomic status of the Degodi Lark Mirafra degodiensis, with notes on the voice of Gillett’s Lark M. gilletti. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 129: 49-62. Download PDF
  • Mellanby, R. J., Ross, B., Watt, A., Wondafrash, M., Ewnetu, M., Broadhurst, C., Critchlow, R., Dadesa, A., Deas, T., Enawgaw, C., Gebremedin, B., Graham, E., Maclean, S., Mckean, M., Collar, N. J. &Spottiswoode, C.N. 2008 Distribution, abundance and habitat preferences of White-tailed Swallow Hirundo megaensis and Ethiopian Bush-crow Zavattariornis stresemanni, two southern Ethiopian endemics. Bird Conservation International 18: 395-412. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Patel, I. H., Herrmann, E., Timberlake, J. & Bayliss, J. 2008 Threatened bird species on two little-known mountains (Mabu and Chiperone) in northern Mozambique. Ostrich 79: 1-7. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2008 Cooperative breeding and immunity: a comparative study of PHA response in African birds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 963-974. Download PDF
    (See also news article: The Economist)
  • Møller, A.P., Garamszegi, L.Z. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2008 Genetic similarity, distribution range and sexual selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 213-225. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2007 Phenotypic sorting in morphology and reproductive investment among Sociable Weaver colonies. Oecologia 154: 589-600. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Colebrook-Robjent, J.F.R. 2007 Egg puncturing by the brood parasitic Greater Honeyguide and potential host counteradaptations. Behavioral Ecology 18: 792-799. Download PDF
  • Gil, D., Biard, C., Lacroix, A., Spottiswoode, C.N., Saino, N., Puerta, M. & Møller, A.P. 2007 Evolution of yolk androgens in birds: development, coloniality and sexual dichromatism. American Naturalist 169: 802-819. Download PDF
  • Saino, N., Martinelli, R., Biard, C., Gil, D., Spottiswoode, C.N., Rubolini, D., Surai, P. & Møller, A. P. 2007 Maternal immune factors and the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Behavioral Ecology 18: 513-520. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Tøttrup, A.P. & Coppack, T. 2006 Sexual selection predicts advancement of avian spring migration in response to climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 273: 3023-3029. Read on journal website [Open Access] 
    (See also news articles: Science Online News, Conservation magazine)
  •  Jamieson, B. G. M, Hodgson, A. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2006 Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Myrmecocichla formicivora (Vieillot, 1881) and Philetairus socius (Latham, 1790) (Aves; Passeriformes), with a new interpretation of the passeridan acrosome. Acta Zoologica 87: 297-304. Download PDF
  • Coppack, T., Tøttrup, A.P. & Spottiswoode, C. 2006 Degree of protandry reflects level of extrapair paternity in migratory songbirds. Journal of Ornithology 147: 260-265. Download PDF
  • Ryan, P.G., Sinclair, I., Cohen, C., Mills, M.S.L., Spottiswoode, C., & Cassidy, R. 2004 The conservation status and vocalisations of threatened birds from the scarp forest of the Western Angola Endemic Bird Area. Bird Conservation International 14: 247-260. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  • Spottiswoode, C., Herrmann, E., Rasa, O.A.E. & Sapsford, C.W. 2004 Cooperative breeding in the Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus. Ostrich 75: 322-324. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Møller, A.P. 2004 Extra-pair paternity, migration and breeding synchrony in birds. Behavioral Ecology 15: 41-57. Read on journal website [Open Access]
  •  Spottiswoode, C. & Møller, A.P. 2004 Genetic similarity and hatching success in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 271: 267-272. Download PDF
  • Jackson, H.D. & Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Breeding biology and taxonomy of the Red-breasted Swallow Hirundo semirufa in Zimbabwe. Ostrich 75: 5-10.
  • Ryan, P.G. & Spottiswoode, C. 2003 The conservation status of Long-billed Tailorbird Orthotomus moreaui and other birds on Serra Jeci, northern Mozambique. Ostrich 74: 141-145. Download PDF
  • Hõrak, P., Ots, I., Vellau, H., Spottiswoode, C. & Møller, A.P. 2001 Carotenoid-based plumage coloration reflects hemoparasite infection and local survival in breeding great tits. Oecologia 126: 166-173. Download PDF 
  • Ryan, P.G., Bento, C., Cohen, C., Graham, J., Parker, V. & Spottiswoode, C. 1999 The avifauna and conservation status of the Namuli Massif, northern Mozambique. Bird Conservation International 9: 315-331. Download PDF
  • Underhill, L.G., Underhill, G.D. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 1999 Primary moult and body-mass of the Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola, and its abundance relative to the Laughing Dove S. senegalensis, in the Western Cape. Ostrich 70: 196-199.

Book chapters

  • Spottiswoode, C.N., Kilner, R.M. & Davies, N.B. 2012 Brood Parasitism. in: Royle, N.J., Smiseth, P.T. & Kölliker, M. (Eds) The Evolution of Parental Care. Oxford University Press.
  • Langmore, N.E. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2012 Host manipulation through visual trickery in avian brood parasites. in: Hughes, D.P., Brodeur, J. & Thomas, F. (Eds) Host Manipulation By Parasites. Oxford University Press.
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. & Saino, N. 2010 Sexual selection and climate change. In: Møller, A.P., Fiedler, W. & Berthold, P. (Eds) Effects of Climate Change on Birds. Oxford University Press.
  • Twenty-two species accounts in: Hockey, P.A.R., Dean, W.R.J. & Ryan, P.G. (Eds) 2005 Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa. VIIth ed. Cape Town: The Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund.
  • Two species accounts in: Young, D.J., Harrison, J.A., Navarro, R.A., Anderson, M.D. & Colahan, M.D. (Eds) 2003 Big Birds on Farms: Mazda CAR Report 1993-2001. Cape Town: Avian Demography Unit. [2 species accounts written]
  • Twenty-nine species accounts in: Harrison, J.A., Allan, D.G., Underhill, L.G., Herremans, M., Tree, A.J., Parker, V. & Brown, C.J. (Eds) 1997 The Atlas of Southern African Birds. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa.
  • A site account in: Peterson, W. & Tripp, M. (Eds) 1995 Birds of the South-Western Cape and Where to Watch Them. Cape Town: Cape Bird Club.


  • Spottiswoode, C., Gabremichael, M.N. & Francis, J. 2010 Where to Watch Birds in Ethiopia. A & C Black, London.
  • Cohen, C., Spottiswoode, C. & Rossouw, J. 2006 Southern African Birdfinder: Where to find 1400 bird species in southern Africa and Madagascar. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.
  • Cohen, C. & Spottiswoode, C. 2000 Essential Birding in Western South Africa: Key routes from Cape Town to the Kalahari. Cape Town: Struik New Holland Publishers.

Other articles

  • van der Wal, J.E.M. & Spottiswoode C.N. 2020 Wanted: Greater Honeyguide sightings. African Birdlife 9(5):16.
  • Jamie, G.A., McClean, L., Moya, C. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2019 The chick of the Locust Finch Paludipasser locustella. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 26: 198-201.
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2017 One good turn: exploring human-honeyguide mutualism. African Birdlife 2017(2): 22-28.
  • Bladon, A.J., Jones, S.E.I., Collar, N.J., Dellelegn, Y., Donald, P.F., Gedeon, K., Green, R.E., Spottiswoode, C.N., Töpfer, T., Wondafrash, M. 2016 Further notes on the natural history of the Ethiopian Bush-crow Zavattariornis stresemanni. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 23: 27–45. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2014 Review: Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin. Times Higher Education (10 April 2014) 147: 51. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C.N. 2010 Finding southern Ethiopia’s endemic birds. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 17: 106-113. Download PDF
  • Gabremichael, M.N., Spottiswoode, C.N., Fishpool. L., Forsyth, E., Lewis, A. Pain, D., Thomas, R. & Toye, N. 2009 Occurrence of the White-tailed Swallow Hirundo megaensis near Negele, Ethiopia. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 16: 83-86. Download PDF
  • Collar, N.J., Dellelegn, Y., Fishpool, L.D.C., Gabremichael, M.N.,Spottiswoode, C.N. & Wondafrash, M. 2008 Type locality, behaviour, voice, nest, eggs and plight of the Sidamo Lark Heteromirafra sidamoensis. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 15: 180-190. Download PDF
  • Collar, N.J. & Spottiswoode, C.N. 2005 Species limits in birds: A response to Watson. Bioscience 55: 388-389. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C., Leonard, P. & Mills, M. 2005 Little-known African Bird: Chaplin’s Barbet Lybius chaplini, Zambia’s fig-loving endemic. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 12: 50-52. Download PDF
  • Spottiswoode, C. 2005 Opening up [New Worlds: Angola]. World of Birds 2005 (BirdWatch Suppl.) 26-27.
  • Anderson, M.D., Anderson, T.A. & Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Murmuring white giants of the Kalahari. Africa Geographic 12 (8).
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Lambert, F. 2004 First record of Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis in western South Africa. Bird Numbers 13(2): 30.
  • Sinclair, I., Spottiswoode, C., Cohen, C., Mills, M., Cassidy, R., vaz Pinto, P. & Ryan, P. 2004 Birding western Angola. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 11: 152-160.
  • Mills, M., Cohen, C. & Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Little-known African Bird: Gabela Akalat, Angola’s long-neglected Gabelatrix. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 11: 149-151.
  • Cohen, C., Mills, M., Ryan, P.G., Sinclair, I., Vaz Pinto, P. & Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Angola’s neglected mountain endemics. World BirdWatch 26: 5.
  • Cohen, C., Mills, M. & Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Angola’s mountain endemics emerge. Africa: Birds & Birding 9(2): 16-17.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 2004 Sociable-ising in Namibia. Lanioturdus 37(2): 25-26.
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Cohen, C. 2003 Top 50 birds of the world: Congo Peafowl Afropavo congolensis. Birdwatch Suppl. 9.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 2002 Review: Guide sonore des Oiseaux nicheurs des Comores. Africa: Birds & Birding 7(4): 11.
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Ryan, P.G. 2002 First record of Mascarene Martin Phedina borbonica in Sul do Save, Mozambique. Bird Numbers 11: 23.
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Cohen, C. 2002 Birding the Tanqua Karoo: the long unwinding road. Africa: Birds & Birding 7(1): 52-59.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 2002 Portfolio: Beyond Marrakech. Africa Geographic 10(1): 50-57.
  • Ryan, P.G. & Spottiswoode, C. 2001 Tailorbirds rediscovered in northern Mozambique. Africa: Birds & Birding 6(5): 18-19.
  • Spottiswoode, C., Cohen, C. & Hester, A. 2001 First breeding records of the South African Cliff Swallow in Botswana. Babbler 39: 52-52.
  • Cohen, C., Spottiswoode, C. & Rose, B. 2001 Pelagic seabirding off Cape Town, South Africa. African Bird Club Bulletin 8: 12-17. Click here for online version
  • Spottiswoode, C. & Mills, M. 2000 Records from Gambela, western Ethiopia. African Bird Club Bulletin 7: 97-100.Click here for online version
  • Mills, M. & Spottiswoode, C. 2000 Photospot: Star-spotted Nightjar. African Bird Club Bulletin 7: 141-143.
  • Ryan, P., Spottiswoode, C., Parker, V., Graham, J., Cohen, C. & Bento, C. 1999 The birds of Namuli, northern Mozambique: retracing Vincent’s footsteps. African Bird Club Bulletin 6: 138-143.Click here for online version
  • Spottiswoode, C. 1999 Review: Roberts’ Multimedia Birds of Southern Africa. Africa: Birds & Birding 4(5):12-13.
  • Herremans, M, Herremans-Tonnoeyr, D., Pryce, E. & Spottiswoode, C.1994 Mortality of swallows and swifts in the Okavango during a mega cold spell. Babbler 28: 16-17.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 1994 Lesser Honeyguide parasitizing Cardinal Woodpecker. Promerops 213: 9.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 1993 Orangebreasted Sunbirds feeding on the ground. Promerops 208: 10-11.
  • Spottiswoode, C. 1993 Raptors in Newlands. Promerops